Go Solar and Save Money!

With the ever increasing cost of living you will benefit greatly from an energy saving solar geyser system…

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Why go solar?

Solar energy has become a necessity in the modern world. The everyday use of solar energy has become endless. The application is now seen in everyday uses such as water heating, underfloor heating and even pool heating. Did you know that on average water heating takes up to 27% of your household energy use? There is a big saving on your electricity bill to be made.

Solar energy can also be used to slow down the effects of global warming. The 2nd biggest contributor to global warming is water heating at 16% next to transport at 34%. This gives us a good idea what all of us can contribute to the fight against global warming.

In South Africa we have approximately 5.1kW per square metre per day’s worth of radiation. This is alot of energy lost if not utilised properly.

What are the benefits of Solar Heating vs Conventional Heating?

There are alot of benefits when it comes to Solar water heating systems. Here is a list of the main benefits that Solar water heating systems have over Conventional water heating systems.

  • Lower running cost

  • Small carbon footprint

  • Lower operating cost

  • Off the grid

  • Can be used to generate limited hot water in isolated areas

What are the different solar water heating systems?

One should understand that there is no such thing as a perfect product but rather the best product for a specific problem or installation. Keeping this in mind one should first consider your environment, budget, water usage or demand and any other limiting factors before deciding on the right system for you. For more information on deciding which system is right for you, click here. But let’s look at the different systems available:

Thermo Siphon System

These systems are installed in a position where the collector is always lower than the hot water cylinder. This will allow the water that is heated in the collector to rise into the cylinder and be stored. The thermo syphon system does not rely on any pumps or other mechanical methods of circulating the water. These systems are very popular because of the lower running cost. Because these systems do not rely on any mechanical method of circulation they are not affected by power cuts for any circulation.

Pump Assisted Systems

Pumps will be used to circulate the hot water from the panel to the cylinder. These pump assisted systems are mainly used where the pipework or the conditions do not allow the system to be built with the thermo siphon configuration. These systems rely on power to circulate the hot water to the cylinder from the panel. These systems are aesthetically more pleasing as the hot water cylinder is usually situated inside the roof and not visible from the outside.

Close Couple / Low Pressure Systems

These systems are usually identified by a cistern tank that is mounted on top of the hot water cylinder and the EVT tubes that plug into the bottom of the hot water cylinder. The cold water is heated by the EVT tubes and fills the hot water cylinder with hot water. As the pressure comes into the geyser it is reduced by the cistern tank. These systems have a great advantage due to the low cost in maintenance and are very popular in rural areas.

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